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Get the BEST deal from your Energy Provider
Emsol assists your business to obtain an energy supplier agreement that best suits your profile
Another key area where businesses can create energy-related benefits is tariff review.
Emsol is independent from all energy suppliers and offers your organisation a full range of tariff analysis options.
Your dollars are being spent. Do you know:
- What are your charges made up of / a breakdown of the costs?
- What are your energy supplier agreement options?
- What does your business need?
- How can you best manage peak loads
- What the best energy supplier contracts for your profile are?
- How further business reductions can be achieved?
A tariff review provides you with the breakdown of your current energy costs. Emsol obtains competitive energy supply contracts on your behalf and provides advice on the direction to take to incorporate the greatest savings, without comprising on your energy needs.
Negotiating a competitive energy supply tariff will save many dollars over the duration of your contract, as well as providing you with immediate cost savings.
Analysing network tariffs is as important for understanding how to reduce your electricity costs as tendering a new retail contract.
Be aware that March is a critical month to minimise line fees. Most electricity line fees are reset on 1 April each year in two ways:
(1) prices are adjusted – they usually go up, and
(2) how you use electricity.
Anything that pushes up your peak load, even once in the year, can reset your lines fee for the next 12 months. This may be caused by failing power factor correction, winter heating or summer cooling, rushing production after a breakdown, or equipment control changes. In many areas of New Zealand, on 31 March all peak load events are ‘wiped clean’ and the meter starts again on 1 April.
Ensure anything that will reduce peak loads is in place before 1 April or before the date you normally incur your annual peaks. However, note that in some areas of New Zealand, peak load fees are reset monthly instead of annually.
Contact us today for information on Emsol’s full range of tariff analysis options to help your organisation reduce energy costs.
Energy Audits Identify areas for Improvement
Emsol will assist your business to identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved, to provide you with cost saving opportunities.
An energy audit is a health check on energy services consumed by your business. There are three levels of audits – Type 1, Type 2 and Type 3. Type 1 and 2 audits answer five core questions:
- How much energy does my business use?
- How much does my business spend on energy?
- Is that expense too high?
- What savings can be made from energy saving measures?
- Will these savings cost my business, to implement?
These are all very important questions, but more importantly, what depth of information do you require? A Type 3 energy audit is an in-depth evaluation, and will provide energy saving business cases.

The Energy Audit Process
Emsol will assist your business to identify areas where energy efficiency can be improved, to provide you with cost saving opportunities.
Type 1, 2 or 3 Energy Audits to AS/NZS 3598:2014 are offered to identify areas within an organisation where energy efficiency can be improved to provide cost saving opportunities.
Thef follow a simple, managed process.
- Energy sources such as electricity, coal and gas are reconciled to see where energy expenditure is going and where savings can be made.
- Energy contracts and tariffs are examined, ensuring valuable knowledge is available to better negotiate energy rates.
- Process efficiency is documented, providing valuable feedback to ensure energy purchased is used effectively.
Emsol audits cover a full range of market segment technologies from Ammonia Refrigeration to Building Management Systems, ensuring value is always added. Contact us today for further information.
Adopt ISO 50001 and an energy management cycle
Emsol makes it easy for your organisation to adopt ISO 50001 and an energy management cycle to grow your savings.
Emsol works to ISO 50001, which is an international standard for energy management systems. This standard is structured on a PLAN, DO, CHECK, ACT (PDCA) cycle. Prior to ISO 50001, Emsol already worked to a similar energy management cycle.
Every time you complete an energy management cycle your savings will grow.
An energy audit ,and implementing savings projects, are part of ISO 50001 and of achieving your full energy cost savings potential. The energy industry has identified the following steps to realise your full potential – acting continuously.
Emsol makes it easy for you to achieve this cycle and adopt all these energy management steps. You can choose to start small and use the savings to make the projects grow bigger each year.
Contact us to discuss the potential benefits for your business of adopting ISO 50001 and an energy management cycle.
Train your staff on energy management and savings
Emsol helps make it easy for your business to realise energy savings through staff awareness and training.
These types of savings opportunities range from staff diligently switching off unused equipment, through to immediately reporting any leaks, or selecting appropriately sized equipment.
Staff behaviour can save up to 30% of energy use. This has been demonstrated in equipment and vehicle operating behaviour studies. Emsol’s experienced staff ensure you continue to realise this potential year in and year out.
Energy audits, assessments, full energy management cycles, monitoring and targeting, and staff training/awareness directly (and indirectly) lead to:
- Improved health and safety
- increased productivity
- reduced maintenance costs
Contact us today for further information on the potential of realising energy savings through staff training and awareness.
Energy Saving Tips
Emsol energy saving tips for general use, large business, small business and home use.

Contact us today for further information on the potential of realising energy savings through staff training and awareness.